
Providing holistic treatments in San Antonio, Texas; utilizing acupuncture, NAET, lymphatic drainage, craniosacral therapy, traditional Chinese herbs and dietary therapy.

Our services


Acupuncture utilizes very small needles in specific areas of the body to induce a physiological response


NAET was developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad as a means of addressing food and environmental allergies.

Lymphatic Drainage and Craniosacral Therapy

Lymphatic drainage and craniosacral therapy are both manual therapies though each has a different focus.

TCM Herbs and Dietary Therapy

Herbs and dietary therapy go hand in hand. One is basically an extension of the other.


Acupuncture utilizes very small needles in specific areas of the body to induce a physiological response.  Treatments are usually very comfortable and relaxing. The needles remain in place for a period of time relevant to the condition being treated, typically between 15 and 30 minutes. The needles are disposed of after being removed.


NAET was developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad as a means of addressing food and environmental allergies. The technique has been expanded from its original focus and now can be directed at a broad range of conditions.  The process is much different than many other techniques, and requires avoidance for a certain amount of time of whatever substance we are clearing for.

Link to Basic 15 Avoidance Lists

Lymphatic Drainage and Craniosacral Therapy

Lymphatic drainage and craniosacral therapy are both manual therapies, though each has a different focus.  Lymphatic drainage uses gentle pressure along the lymphatic pathways of the body to ensure congestion and accumulations are dissipated.  Craniosacral therapy also uses very gentle pressure, but the focus is primarily on the articulations of the skeletal system.  Both can be indicated for a single issue, so typically they will be used in tandem in our clinic to correct relevant conditions.

TCM Herbs and Dietary Therapy

Herbs and dietary therapy go hand in hand. One is basically an extension of the other.  We typically prefer to first modify the diet by suggesting foods that may be helpful for a condition and then if necessary introduce herbs.  Many foods are seen as herbal products in traditional Chinese medicine so it makes sense to start with items that are more gentle and satisfy your hunger as well as your health.

Matthew Hanson, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)

I have been practicing as an acupuncturist for over 12 years, the majority of that time in San Antonio, TX.  Working together with patients to understand their concerns from new angles and being able to address them through the various techniques that I have learned over the years is always gratifying.  I approach each patient with as much attention and care as I would hope to receive if I were in their shoes.  It is my goal to develop a treatment plan that allows for beneficial outcomes, through strategies that fit in with the daily demands and restrictions personal to each individual.  I would love to lend my support and knowledge to your healthcare goals, whatever they may be, and am always grateful to do so. 

What sets us apart

Our goal is to provide guidance and support during your journey toward  meeting your healthcare goals

Convenient Scheduling

Our online scheduler shows real-time appointment availability

Compassionate Care

Our role is to thoroughly understand your situation to be able to provide the best care for you

Holistic Advocacy

We assess your overall health condition to determine a treatment course and refer to outside providers when it benefits you

San Antonio Location

Our office is located inside the Broadway Building just inside loop 410 on Broadway behind La Panaderia and the 410 Diner

What our clients say

Usually I had experienced back pain and shoulder tension. After my first session, I immediately felt relief! It was as if I had been to the chiropractor and gotten a massage; that's the only way I can describe it. I have been going now for almost a year, and I do not have the back pain as before. ...I am hooked and would recommend acupuncture to everyone!

E. C.


I have been receiving accupuncture treatment from Matthew Hanson for approximately a month and a half. I had problems w/ arthritis for sometime... With the treatments, I no longer have pain in my ankles, knees and hands. How amazing I feel without any pain. I sleep very well and don't have to use anagesic products to warm up my muscles and joints. I'm also losing weight. This has been a complete transformation in my life. Take it from a coach. This really works!!!

K. C.


I have had back issues for several years. A stroke in 2010 compounded that problem. Within two visits to Mr. Hanson my back felt noticeably better. Go try him.

M. M.


I am 61 years old and have a positive ANA, having been on Prednisone for the last 23 years... I frequently experienced dry itching skin with lesions and my scratching would cause terrible bruising and scaring. Since 2012 I had been experiencing tremendous hair loss to the point of several balding spots in my crown that were spreading rapidly. On my first visit I spoke with Matthew about these issues and I agreed to undergo the NAET treatment. He also recommended some Chinese herbs... The first week of August I saw a dermatologist regarding the hair loss. He took a photograph and recommended that I continue treatment with Matthew and continue the herbs. 7 weeks later I have phenomenal hair growth in all the balding spots... My skin condition has vastly improved with no itching and in the event bruising occurs the bruises heal faster.

N. R.


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